Change Windows 10 CMD like Linux Terminal
Change your WINDOWS 10 CMD like Linux Terminal
the steps are:
change the command prompt settings.
$q = (equal sign)
$$ $ (dollar sign)
$t Current time
$d Current date
$p Current drive and path
$v Windows version number
$n Current drive
$g > (greater than sign)
$l < (less than sign)
$b b | (pipe)
$a & (ampersand)
$c ( (left parenthesis)
$f ) (right parenthesis)
$s space
$m Displays the remote name associated with the current drive letter
$_ show the prompt on next line
prompt with the computername and the current folder with greater then sign and space.
PROMPT [$s%username%@%computername%$s]$s
Restore the default prompt
set the prompt setting permanently
SETX PROMPT $options
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