
Showing posts from June, 2019

How To install Cockpit on Rhel 8 0 Linux Urdu/Hindi

How to install cockpit in Rhel 8.0/CentOs8 What is Cockpit in Rhel 8.0? Cockpit is a web-based interface designed for managing and monitoring your local system, as well as Linux servers located in your network environment. Cockpit is an interactive server administration interface. Cockpit interacts directly with the operating system from a real Linux session in a browser. Cockpit installation on RHEL 8.0/Centos 8 # yum install cockpit Enable cockpit: # systemctl start cockpit.socket # systemctl enable cockpit.socket # systemctl status cockpit.socket Open the firewall if necessary: # firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit # firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent # firewall-cmd --reload web access https://SERVER_IP:9090 remove service from firewall # firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --remove-service=cockpit # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent # firewall-cmd --reload Now you are done. so please feel free to share your queries we will reply as soon as possible.

How To install OpenStack on Ubuntu 18 04 Urdu/Hindi

OpenStack Installation on Ubuntu 18.04 with DevStack installation of Openstack Cloud on Ubuntu 18.04 asimple Openstack Deployment for Learning, Testing and short DevStack is a collection of scripts which enables you to deploy a complete latest version of Openstack environment on virtual machine, personal laptop or a desktop. Openstack environment deployed by DevStack can also be used for demonstrations purpose. DevStack support Ubuntu Fedora CentOS RHEL Debian  OpenSUSE. For more Details please visit: Minimum system Requirements Fresh installation of Ubuntu18.04 Minimum memory of 4 GB At least 2 vCPU Storage capacity of 20 GB Internet connection User with sudo Update Ubuntu system First, we have to update our ubuntu Linux # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get    -y upgrade # sudo apt-get    -y dist-upgrade Now reboot the system #...

How To install Skype on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 Urdu/Hindi

How to install skype on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 1: Download Skype RPM Package curl -SLo skypeforlinux-64.rpm 2: Install Skype on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 after the completion of skype rpm use yum or dnf to install this package. dnf install /root/skypeforlinux-64.rpm 3: if you want to remve the package dnf remove skypeforlinux

How To Customize Rhel 8 0 Linux Terminal Urdu/Hindi

CONFIGURATION STEP'S 1: yum install git -y 2:  git clone 3: chmod +x screenfetch-dev 4: ./screenfetch-dev open file and add the line at the end of the file 5: vim .bashrc 6: /root/screenFetch/./screenfetch-dev (save and close) reload the file 7: source .bashrc 8: exit terminal and loggin again done

How To Setup Local Yum Repo in Red Hat 8.0 Linux

How to Setup Local Yum Repository using installation DVD or ISO on RHEL 8 . Repositories are generally stored on a public network, which can be accessed by multiple users on the internet. However, you can create your own local repository on your server and access, it as a single user or allow access to other machines on  your local Network. RHEL 8, we have two package repositories: 1: BaseOS 2: Application Stream BaseOS   Repository will contain packages like OS installation packages,  Administrative tools packages and their dependencies. AppStream   Repository will have all remaining packages like vim, PostgreSQL, MariaDB,  Maven, Bind, LibreOffice and all other application and OS related dependencies. Let us begin with creating a local Yum Repo. you need to mount the DVD-ROM or mounted ISO in your virtual machine follow the below steps. For demonstration purpose, we are mounting under /mnt. # mount -o loop ...

How To install Redhat Enterprise Linux 8.0.0


