How To install Cockpit on Rhel 8 0 Linux Urdu/Hindi
How to install cockpit in Rhel 8.0/CentOs8 What is Cockpit in Rhel 8.0? Cockpit is a web-based interface designed for managing and monitoring your local system, as well as Linux servers located in your network environment. Cockpit is an interactive server administration interface. Cockpit interacts directly with the operating system from a real Linux session in a browser. Cockpit installation on RHEL 8.0/Centos 8 # yum install cockpit Enable cockpit: # systemctl start cockpit.socket # systemctl enable cockpit.socket # systemctl status cockpit.socket Open the firewall if necessary: # firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit # firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent # firewall-cmd --reload web access https://SERVER_IP:9090 remove service from firewall # firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --remove-service=cockpit # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent # firewall-cmd --reload Now you are done. so please feel free to share your queries we will reply as soon as possible.